Laundry Love is Sunday, June 14, from 3-5:30 pm at the College Town Laundry on 17th Street between Oliver and Hillside. Laundry Love is a national grass roots effort. The idea is to ‘take-over’ a laundromat on the same day each month and to pay for everyone’s laundry.
The Grace evangelism team received a grant from our presbytery to cover the costs of Laundry Love for one year. In May, we served 20 families/individuals and enjoyed time talking and hanging out in the laundromat. This is an incredible way for us to be the church in the community. There are no strings attached, and people can’t believe that a church would do this.
We need about 8-10 volunteers to do this each month. Sign up at the church or by calling Catherine at 684-5215.