Vacation Bible School (VBS) crafts are a great place to donate your time and talents.
The Children’s Ministry Department is looking for extra hands and donations in the craft area. We are in particular need of empty clean water bottles. Please bring your empty bottles to the narthex and find the VBS bulletin board. A basket is there to collect your water bottles and other donations. You will also find a list of items we need on the bulletin board. If you are able to supply an item feel free to place that item in the basket as well. In addition, we are asking for muffins and light snack donations for our volunteers who are here during the week. There is a sign up for snacks on the bulletin board. Snacks may be dropped off Sunday, July 18.
If you are able to help us during the week of July 19-22 from 9 am-noon please let Jennifer Snook know by emailing her or texting 316-519-4503. You may help all days or just the days you are free. Thank you for praying about serving in this way.