This past Sunday was a remarkable day. It began with our youth leading worship and informing all of us on the work of partnering with God in mission work in Georgia. Following worship Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting Step 3 transpired. A very open and authentic experience was had by all in attendance, approximately 99 people.
The question discussed was: What are Grace’s strengths and additional challenges, along with declining attendance, as we move forward in evaluating worship services, emerging ministry emphases, and staffing transitions?
The results have been tabulated. Do pick up your packet of materials, which include the tabulation of comments and a memo concerning unexpected expenditures at the kiosk or download the packet at Grace’s website
Friends nothing in your life is an accident. God has purpose for each of you. Read the benediction below (benediction, in Latin literally means, “good word”) written by the late Richard Halverson, Minister of Word and Sacrament (PCUSA), and Chaplain to the United States Senate (1981- 1994). You’ll be encouraged.
You go nowhere by accident.
Wherever you go, God is sending you.
He has a purpose in your being there.
Christ who indwells you has something he wants to do through you wherever you are.
Believe this.
And go in his grace and love and power.
As we continue our preaching series For Such A Tim As This, I encourage you to read the book of Esther. There are so many parallels in the world today with those during Esther’s time in the early sixth century BC.
Remember, nothing in your life is by accident. Everything is purposed by God!
On the journey of Christian discipleship and spiritual formation with you, I remain faithfully yours,
The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh
Interim Pastor