A Word From Our Interim Pastor – The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

Friends, thank you for making the Step 4 Town Hall Meeting a successful experience. The Potato Bar was amazing, the fellowship sweet, and the result of the process significant.

The Step 4 question is: In what ways would you suggest strengthening Grace’s relationships with the local community and the Presbytery of Southern Kansas?

Do pick up a copy of the Step 4 Results at the Kiosk on Sunday mornings. Or check it out on our website, www.mygpc.org.

Here’s a brief update on our Journey to the New Pastor.

  • Step 5 in Our Interim Pastor Journey is Sunday, October 6.
  • The Strategic Plan (Mission Study) is presented to the Session for approval at the Stated Session Meeting, Monday, November 18.
  • November 2024-January 2025 the Nominating Committee identifies Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) members.
  • The PNC slate is elected at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 23, 2025. The Strategic Plan is also presented.
  • The PNC begins its work in March.

Friends, nothing in your life is an accident. God has purpose for each of you. Read the benediction below (benediction, in Latin literally means, “good word”) written by the late Richard Halverson, Minister of Word and Sacrament (PCUSA), and Chaplain to the United States Senate (1981- 1994). You’ll be encouraged.

You go nowhere by accident.

Wherever you go, God is sending you.

He has a purpose in your being there.

Christ who indwells you has something he wants to do through you wherever you are.

Believe this.

And go in his grace and love and power.


Remember, nothing in your life is an accident. Nothing in Grace’s life is an accident. Everything is purposed by God!

On the journey of Christian discipleship and spiritual formation with you, I remain faithfully yours,


The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

Interim Pastor

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