9 am Worship in the Great Room
10 am Education and Fellowship (see below)
11 am Worship in the Sanctuary
Worship at 9 am is in the Great Room and is led musically by our band. The style is less formal than the 11 am service. The 11 am service is in the Sanctuary and is led musically by our choirs. The style is more traditional.
There is One Worship service at 10 am in the Sanctuary on September 10. There is no Sunday School on Sundays, September 3 and 10.
- Faithful Families – Meets in the Great Room. This intergenerational class equips families to pray, read scripture, and worship God together at home. Whether you’re a family of one or family of six, there’s something for you. If you’re a parent, your children and youth attend this class instead of individual classes, and you enjoy the time together.
- Bible 101- Meets in Room 101. Do you want to know more about the Bible but don’t know where to start? This fall we offer a Bible 101 class. Each small unit (three weeks for the first unit) provides an entrance into scripture. If you’ve studied the Bible before you’ll enjoy the refresher.
- Steamers (An ongoing class where all are welcome.) – Meets in Room 209.September 3 – Mac Smith teaches. September 10 – No class. September 17 and 24 – Larry Cracraft teaches.
- Youth participate in the Faithful Families class in the Great Room on September 17 and 24. If a youth’s family attends Grace, the entire family should attend Sunday School together.
- Children participate in the Faithful Families class in the Great Room on September 17 and 24. Children should be accompanied by their adult(s).