Dear Grace Community,
This week my Saturday letter to you comes as an update about my service as a commissioner to the General Assembly. As you read this, I’m likely in the Zoom assembly. Read more here>
I do have one request. Do you have any pictures of you and/or your family watching online worship? I’ve seen a few on social media of your pets! If you have any, will you send them to me at Catherine@mygpc.org
In Christ,
The Grace 2-Week Challenge
Virtual Vacation Bible School Videos
Music Ministry at Grace
Giving the Basics
In Person Worship, July 5
Grace Yard Signs
Church Directory Pick-up
If you did not pick up your church directory before we shut down, you are welcome to come by and get it. Call the church to let us know, and we’ll have it outside the volunteer office with your name on it.
Sunday, June 28 at 10 am
Worship via Facebook Live at 10 am or watch our services at mygpc.org
You do not need a Facebook account to watch. Go here: https://www.facebook.com/mygpc.org
Sermon scripture: Psalm 130
The Worship Team preaches
Songs (lyrics will be on the screen): It is Well; Come to the River; Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
Sunday, June 28 at 6:30 pm: Youth Talent Show
With the emergence of the Covid-19 virus, the IGNITE youth group decided to stay and serve in Wichita for our Mission week. We will do projects at Grace and throughout the community the week of July 13th.
We would love if you could help support this opportunity for worship, fellowship and service. We hold an online fundraiser Sunday night June 28th on the Grace Facebook page at 6:30 PM. We will be live with entertainment and testimonies from youth and leaders. We really hope that you tune in and support with your prayers first and if you can, financially as well. You can donate at under Other Giving: Mission Trip. Thank you.
Monday, June 29 at 8 – 8:15 am: Morning Prayer
Start the day on Zoom with prayer with Catherine Neelly Burton.
Join by computer/tablet/smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81151925754
Join by phone: 1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 811 5192 5754
Wednesday, July 1
If you have a youth in your family who wants to connect, contact Kirk@mygpc.org
This week the youth continue a book/Bible study using the Bible and Rob Bell’s book What Is the Bible? The book costs $6. Contact Kirk with questions.