Dear Grace Community,
Tomorrow we celebrate and give thanks for Sean Foster’s ministry among us. Sean starts a graduate degree program in choral conducting at Western Illinois University in late August. He is with us until mid-August. We give thanks for Sean’s nearly 10 years of ministry at Grace. Sean is a gifted musician and leader. He is also devoted follower of Jesus and a good teammate. We will miss him. I hope you tune in for worship at 10 am on Facebook.
Because of some scheduling issues we’re getting this email put together quite early. If there is any big church news, we will use the church text service to notify you.
In Christ,
Unraveled: July Worship Series
July Yellow Bags: School Supplies
Virtual Vacation Bible School Videos
Church Directory Pick-Up
If you did not pick up your church directory before we shut down, you are welcome to come by and get it. Call the church to let us know, and we’ll have it outside the volunteer office with your name on it
Worship and Connection Opportunities:
Sunday, July 19 at 10 am: Worship
- Worship via Facebook Live at 10 am or watch our services at mygpc.org.
- You do not need a Facebook account to watch. Go here: https://www.facebook.com/mygpc.org
- Week 3 of our Unraveled worship series: https://www.mygpc.org/unraveled-july-worship
- Sermon scripture: Luke 19:1-10
- Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.
- We recognize and give thanks for Sean Foster’s ministry among us.
- Hymns: #610 O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing; 463 How Firm a Foundation
- Download the Bulletin here:
Monday, July 20 at 8 – 8:15 am: Morning Prayer
- Start the day on Zoom with prayer with Catherine Neelly Burton.
- Join by computer/tablet/smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82150243911
- Join by phone: 1 346 248 7799
- Meeting ID: 821 5024 3911
Tuesday, July 21 at 2 pm: New class – Week 2
- 4 Week Study of the Holy Spirit with Martin Burch.
- What do we know of the Holy Spirit? What does the bible say about the Holy Spirit? How does the Spirit work in the history of the church and in our lives now? We’ll explore these questions and more. Bring your questions and join us for this study.
- Join by computer/tablet/smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81629686558
- Join by phone: 1 346 248 7799
- Meeting ID: 816 2968 6558