We are excited to return to in person worship on February 7. We return with the same precautions we had in place this fall when we were in the building.
Sunday School is at 10 am, and worship is at 11 am. Worship rotates between the Sanctuary and Great Room. Sunday School is in the following locations:
- Room 106/Nursery – Infants – 2 years old
- Room 101 – Children ages 3 – 1stGrade
- Room 206 (Excavation Station) – Children ages 2nd– 6 Grade
- Teen Center (Basement) – Youth ages 7th– 12th Grace
- Fellowship Hall – Adults
- Room 208 (Steamers) – Adults
The following guidelines apply to all Sundays moving forward.
- You may be asked to give your name as you come in. This list is internal only and allows us to contact worshipers if we learn that someone who was present tests positive for Covid-19. We may take a picture of the congregation, so that if contact tracing is needed we can determine who was near whom.
- You’ll find hand sanitizer and masks at each entry. Wear your own mask if you have one. The expectation is that all wear masks unless prevented from doing so by a medical condition.
- The coffee bar is closed.
- We have a place to give offering after the service, but no offering plates or bags will be used in worship.
- There is no passing of the peace.
- Windows will be open to help with air circulation.
- Ushers will seat and dismiss the congregation.
- The seating is socially distanced so limited by space. We will only have 50 people in each space. Once a space is full, all others will be guided to the other worship space to watch the service on the screen.
- A custodian is on duty to clean surfaces throughout the morning.
We encourage those of you in high risk categories to remain at home for online worship. Please stay home if you have any symptoms of illness.