The Worship Service Part 2
Silence beckons us to cast our burdens on God and claim the promises of Scripture that remind us that God is faithful, that nothing is impossible with God.
We Hear God’s Word
- Texts from the “Old and New Testaments” are read. These texts are not just words. According to the Reformed tradition in which we stand as Presbyterians, the Bible is God’s authoritative word in all matters of faith and practice. Thus, the Bible is important, as it is the authority of and for the Christian faith.
- Then the “Sermon” is preached, thus focusing the worshipper on the Word of God. The preacher is doing his best to lift up the words of Scripture for the listener to hear. Ultimately, it is up to the Holy Spirit to bear testimony to our spirits that the Word of God is fully worthy of our consideration. The Holy Spirit convicts us through the preached Word, and we are called to repent and to obey.
- We hear an Anthem from the Choir to assist us in drawing closer to God and one another.
- We sing a Hymn to assist us in deepening our encounter with God.
We Respond to God’s Word
- We move into a time of Prayer.
- The service continues with “Joys and Concerns of the People.” Here, in response to what God has done for us in and through confession and hearing God’s Word read and preached, we lift up the concerns and burdens we have for our world, nation, and cities as well as the needs of those people for whom we are burdened and concerned.
- As a final response to what has been taking place through our reverence of God during the entire service, the “Offering” is received. Here, we give back our time, talent, and treasure. God takes care of us.
Do remember, silence is a most significant tool to plumb the depths of worship as we move through the different sections and disciplines. We quiet our minds and hearts in order to be focused on God is important. Silence is the discipline that we can use to encounter the holy and awesome God. Silence is an attitude of heart and mind that attempts to get in touch with God. Silence is the discipline to unlock the worship experience for something bigger than us.
On our Interim Pastor journey with you, I remain faithfully yours,
The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh
Interim Pastor