Happy Resurrection this Sunday, friends. Jesus conquered death, and there is hope for all humanity that by placing one’s faith in Jesus Christ, that person will live eternally with God and have abundant life now. Christ is risen. Alleluia!
- Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting Step 2 is Sunday, May 5.
- We will have one service in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am followed by a covered dish lunch, including dessert, water, iced tea, and coffee in the Great Room.
- The question below will be the focus of our discussion as we complete Step 2 of 6 in our Interim Pastor Journey
How would you describe Grace to someone you wanted to attend with you?
- Mark your calendar now for Sunday, May 5, at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary. Pick up a flyer for all the Steps on the Bulletin Board in the Narthex.
On the journey of Christian discipleship with you, I remain faithfully yours,
The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh, Interim Pastor