Our church is a busy, caring congregation, and this spring is no exception. Our painting project is on this spring, and we are painting a 20 X 30 foot United States map for the students of Adams Elementary School.
Fifteen– twenty volunteers are needed Saturday, March 31, from 8:30 am – 12 pm. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board just to the right of the Deacons’ closet in the Narthex. We could also use a few volunteers on Friday, March 30, from at 2:30 – 4 pm to help prepare the site and to draw the outline of the map.
The exciting part of this project is that we provide curriculum ideas to the teachers for how the map may be used. For more information, contact Fred Heismeyer (fred@leadingandteaming.com or 479-841-1525). This project will last for many years and have a positive impact on hundreds of kids.