April 1
This is Easter Sunday. We celebrate the resurrection and give thanks to God for the new life we know in Christ. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at both services. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches, and our band and choir are joined by the Epic Brass. We witness to new life with our flower cross on the church lawn.
April 8
Geoff Snook preaches on this second Sunday of the Easter Season. At the 11am service we are led by the Grace Orchestra (Grace members and friends who play wind and string instruments), Bell Choir, and Chancel Choir.
April 15
Catherine Neelly Burton preaches on this day, and we look at one of the resurrection stories in Luke.
April 22
Scott Randle preaches at 9 am worship, and the Choir leads us at 11 am. The 11 am worship is the presentation of John Rutter’s “The Gift of Life.” In addition to our choir we are led by paid instrumentalists.
April 29
Catherine Neelly Burton preaches at both services. This is part one of a two-week series, “Belong, Behave, Believe.” On this Sunday our scripture is Acts 8:26-40.