This January you are invited to learn more about the Gospel of John. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are known as the synoptic gospels. These three share many stories and traits. John is different. It’s a beautiful and intriguing book. It’s only in John where we hear Jesus’ “I am” statements, and it is in John where we do not get a ...
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- The Grace Presbyterian Session met on October 18, 2021, in the Grace Alcove.
- The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
- Catherine gave an update on the special financial gift and the staff proposal. She and Martin plan to meet with the donors in the coming week.
- Updates were given on projects that came out of the Session retreat. The plan is to have a hanging of the greens event on December 4 and a food packing event on January 2.
- The Session approved ...
This year we again participate in the Angel Tree. Like in 2020, the Angel Tree is virtual.
You may go here Sign In – Angel Tree ( and set up an account and adopt an angel.
After you purchase your gifts, bring them to Grace, and we will deliver to the drop off location.
If you want to participate but are not comfortable ...
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We give thanks! We give thanks for the many ways you share financial resources with the congregation. The church relies on the pledges made and honored that give to our regular operating budget. We are grateful for the pledges that were made and honored for our Deep Roots campaign that we are in the final stages of completing. We are also blessed to have a planned giving program.
Planned Giving allows you to plan for a special gift to the church. ...
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