Sewing Machines

There is a room on the second floor of Grace that is filled with sewing machines. In different seasons, ministry teams have used them. One sewing team iteration made tote bags for various groups. Another team made pillows. Most recently the quilting group used them.

Through our connections with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), we’ve learned that sewing machines are in demand in the local refugee community. In the refugee community, the women primarily stay home with children, and a sewing ...

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Adult Sunday School: October 3 and 10


For two weeks in October our adult Sunday School class digs into the book of Exodus. Each Sunday the class studies the scripture from worship. The class is a mix of adults of all ages and enjoys looking at the text from lots of different angles. It’s a good place to ask questions and consider how the Biblical story intersects with your life.

The ...

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At its September 18 meeting the Grace Session adapted the church mask policy. Visitors and members are required to wear masks unless they are fully inoculated from the Covid-19 virus. Those who are fully inoculated are strongly encouraged to wear masks. All staff and anyone in contact with Jacob’s Learning Ladder must wear masks, regardless as to vaccination status.

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