This year’s Alternative Gift Market is Saturday, November 13, at Hillside Christian Church. Our cause is “Plant for a Sustainable Tomorrow” and over the course of the next several weeks, we will highlight ways we can support the reforestation of forests in Haiti.
We can use help staffing our table. You can sign up on the bulletin board by the ...
Continue Reading →OCT
Some of us are podcast people. Some of us aren’t. Some of us don’t know what podcasts are.
Podcasts are conversations that you can listen to anytime. It’s a bit like a radio show on demand. In the last two years my sermon prep changed from reading to listening as two groups of Biblical Scholars I respect started making ...
Continue Reading →OCT
Jacob’s Learning Ladder and Grace host a Trunk or Treat Event in the Grace parking lot on Wednesday, October 27. Set up time is 5:15 pm with the event time from 6:15-7:15 pm. Sign up to park your car in one of the designated spots and hand out candy, prizes, stickers, etc. to all the children that pass by.
You may decorate your trunk – no scary themes please – or just sit and share treats! Candy donations are appreciated! Place ...
Continue Reading →OCT
There is a room on the second floor of Grace that is filled with sewing machines. In different seasons, ministry teams have used them. One sewing team iteration made tote bags for various groups. Another team made pillows. Most recently the quilting group used them.
Through our connections with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), we’ve learned that sewing machines are in demand in the local refugee community. In the refugee community, the women primarily stay home with children, and a sewing ...
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