A Word From Our Interim Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

The next Town Hall Meeting (Step 5) in Our Interim Pastor Journey is Sunday, October 6, immediately following the worship service at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary.

The Step 5 question is: How might we prepare for new leadership and plan for Grace’s future?

Folks, our amazing food team has announced the following food theme: “Think crock pots, football, and pumpkin spice.” Don’t miss out. These meetings are a great time of fellowship and anticipation of what God has for our ...

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Young Adults and College Age

The Grace NSYBNOGs (Naw-sib-nogs) No So Young But Not Old Group is bowling on Saturday, October 5, at 3:30 PM at the Rhatigan Student Center at WSU. Come join us for snacks, social time, and some bowling!

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