Music Ministry Updates

Last December we joyfully hired Tyler Morris as our Director of Music Ministries.  We are excited for the upcoming school and music year with his leadership. This summer Tyler stepped down from leading our band at the 9 am worship service. We have hired Bryce Mulkey to lead the band.

Bryce is currently the drummer in the band and will continue to play the drums as well as lead. Tyler will supervise Bryce and still be involved at 9 am worship. ...

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Session Minute Summary: June 2020

The Grace Session met on June 21, 2021, in the church alcove/on Zoom.

  • The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
  • Membership changes were made. We removed members who were contacted about their membership status and did not respond.  These are all people who have not lived in Wichita for at least 2.5 years.
  • The Covid safety protocols were discussed. It was decided to:
    • Return to using the offering plate at 11 am worship and offering bags at 9 am worship.
    • Bring back the coffee ...
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Micro Churches: August 8

micro church

You are invited to worship in a new way and in a new place on Sunday, August 8, through Micro Churches.  We know that we can worship God anywhere and at any time.1  As a church we center our lives around Sunday mornings with worship at 9 am and 11 am.

We also recognize that most of us ...

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