Yellow Bags July: Refugee Backpack Party

In July we receive school supplies for the Refugee Backpack Party.  This annual event is held at First Presbyterian in partnership with many faith communities and the International Rescue Committee.

Sign up for what to bring on the bulletin board by the coffee bar.  Grace is assigned certain items to donate including wide ruled loose-leaf paper, Crayola thin markers, and colored pencils.

The Backpack Party is Saturday, August 7, from 10:30 am-3:00 pm.  There are volunteer opportunities on the day of the ...

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Worship Safety Protocol Updates

Dear Grace Community

On June 21, the Grace Session again addressed our safety protocols for Sunday morning. Our mask policy remains the same. Anyone who is fully inoculated may choose whether or not to wear a mask while at Grace. This includes worship, meetings, and events. Masks are still required for those who are not inoculated. The Session will look at this policy each month at its stated meeting.

We made changes to other policies, and these go into effect in July.  ...

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Session Minute Summary: May 2021

The Grace Session met on May 17, 2021, in the church alcove/on Zoom.

  • The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
  • The Covid safety and mask policies were discussed. The mask policy was updated to match the (then new) CDC guidelines that fully inoculated people do not need to wear masks, but everyone else does.
    • The Session will look at the guidelines each month.
  • The financial reports were given and received.
  • The large gas bill from the deep freeze in February was discussed. Martin Burch ...
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Grace Book Club

Grace Book Club

The Grace Book Club meets every two months on Tuesday nights for about an hour.  The group meets in the Grace Parlor.  The group reads books by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) authors that can help us broaden our perspective and learn about our faith.

Join us!  Come for one book or every meeting.  ...

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I’ve Been Meaning to Ask

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask

This July you’re invited to a conversation.  Some of the best conversations start with questions, and we ask four.  Each Sunday in worship we ask a different question and consider how it ties to Biblical texts, our shared life, and our individual lives.

  • July 4: Where are you from?
  • July 11: Where does it hurt?
  • July 18: What ...
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