- The Grace Presbyterian Session met on Mach 15, 2021, in person in the church alcove and with some participants on Zoom.
- The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
- We discussed worship and the start of two services at the end of March. Catherine asked for Session members to help with ushering at 9 am and staffing the overflow room at 11 an. We discussed the need for criteria for when we start to “ramp down” Covid protocols, but nothing was decided.
- A ...
In May we partner with Giving the Basics Wichita for our Yellow Bag Drive and for an in-person volunteer opportunity.
From their website:
“Giving the Basics was founded in 2011 in Kansas City on the premise that no one should go without the basic items needed to be clean and live a normal life. Basic hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper, and toothpaste are essential for human dignity, self worth, and general good health. Unfortunately, these items are not covered ...
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This month we partner with Giving the Basics Wichita for a hands-on mission opportunity. We work in their warehouse on Wednesday, May 12, from 1-2:30 pm.
Working in the warehouse involves sorting and counting donated hygiene items. To volunteer contact Teresa Stange, email her, or Catherine Neelly Burton or call the church office, 316-684-5215. We need 8-12 ...
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The Grace Lawn and Garden Teams are back to work. All lawn and garden responsibilities at Grace are handled by volunteers, and you are invited to join!
The Garden Team meets most Friday mornings for garden projects including trimming, planting, and weeding.
The Lawn Team is more of an individual activity with a schedule for who mows the grass and when. The good news? We now have a riding mower. Contact the church office to volunteer for either team at 316-684-5215.
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