Vacation Bible School 2021

Vacation Bible School (VBS) crafts are a great place to donate your time and talents.

The Children’s Ministry Department is looking for extra hands and donations in the craft area. We are in particular need of empty clean water bottles. Please bring your empty bottles to the narthex and find the VBS bulletin board. A basket is there to collect your water bottles and other donations. You will also find a list of items we need on the bulletin board. If ...

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Yellow Bags June 2021

Each month Grace invites you to contribute to our “Yellow Bag” Sundays. Yellow reusable grocery bags are available in the building, and you are encouraged to fill them with the item of the month and return them to Grace. In April we collected food for the Covenant Presbyterian Church food pantry. In May we collected health and beauty products for Giving the Basics. Thank you for your generous contributions!

This month our yellow bag offering goes to Vacation Bible School (VBS).  ...

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Two Weeks with Jonah: June 13 and 20


Who is Jonah, and why is there a book in the Bible with his name on it? Join us for a two-week series June 13 and 20 as we look at this short four chapter book in the Old Testament.

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from Jonah and Dr. Martin Burch teaches a Sunday School class for adults and teens.  Worship is at 9 and 11 am, and Sunday School is at ...

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Session Minute Summary: April 19, 2021

  • The Grace Presbyterian Session met on April 19 at 6 pm in the church alcove with one participant on Zoom. The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
  • The docket and omnibus motion were approved.
    • This includes planning for only one worship service at 10 am on July 4 and approving Scott Randle to preach on May 30 and Geoff Snook to preach on June 6.
  • The Session looked at our Covid safety protocols for worship. It was voted on to keep all ...
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Red Cross Blood Drive: June 20

Red Cross Blood Drive: June 20

Grace hosts its next Red Cross Blood drive on June 20, from 8 am – 1 pm.  The blood collected at our February 21 drive went to St Joseph Via Christi here in Wichita.

Every two seconds someone in the US needs blood.

  • One pint of blood (the approximate amount given in a donation) can be used to help up to three people.
  • About 1/3 of the US population is eligible to give blood.
  • Five million patients in the ...
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