Planned Giving Celebration

It’s time to celebrate!  We received a gift from the estate of Lois Fisher. The gift was designated to be used by the Mission Distribution Team, of which Lois was a part for many years. The gift is $84,000, which is more than the annual budget of the team. The team has a retreat planned for February 21 and will strategize how to share the money. You will hear more about this and  be asked to give input.

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Jacob’s Learning Ladder February 2021

Jacob’s Learning Ladder Staff was sent home with a COVID care package for Christmas Break. The Kansas Leadership Center gave out grants to groups of Kansans who came up with a project in order to “Beat the Virus”. A few JLL teachers and office staff met with a KLC coordinator and came up with the care package project. JLL was awarded the full $3,000 grant which allowed us to send teachers home with gift cards, supplies, and activities encouraging them ...

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Matthew 25 Bible Study in Lent

This Lent you’re invited to a three-week Bible Study focused on Matthew 25.  In the fall of 2020, the Grace Session signed on to the PCUSA Matthew 25 initiative.  For three weeks in Lent, Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton leads a Bible study on Matthew 25 and an intro to the PCUSA initiative.

The class is on Wednesdays, February 24, March 3, March 10 at 6:30 pm.  Please let Catherine know if you have a strong preference for in person or Zoom.

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Thank You, Kitchen Team!

In December our Director of Food Ministries, Melaina Phares, had knee surgery.  During her recovery period an incredible group of volunteers have prepared lunch each day for Jacob’s Learning Ladder.  We give thanks for these volunteers: Chris Alexander, Trish Gealy, Lib Hooper, and Edith Tice.

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