Matthew 25 Bible Study in Lent

This Lent you’re invited to a three-week Bible Study focused on Matthew 25.  In the fall of 2020, the Grace Session signed on to the PCUSA Matthew 25 initiative.  For three weeks in Lent, Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton leads a Bible study on Matthew 25 and an intro to the PCUSA initiative.

The class is on Wednesdays, February 24, March 3, March 10 at 6:30 pm.  Please let Catherine know if you have a strong preference for in person or Zoom.

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Thank You, Kitchen Team!

In December our Director of Food Ministries, Melaina Phares, had knee surgery.  During her recovery period an incredible group of volunteers have prepared lunch each day for Jacob’s Learning Ladder.  We give thanks for these volunteers: Chris Alexander, Trish Gealy, Lib Hooper, and Edith Tice.

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2020 Finances


We are in good financial shape as we move into 2021. Our expenses for 2020 (represented by the Red Bar on the graph) were on budget. Our pledged giving in 2020 was in keeping with the amount pledged; however, the total giving we anticipated was down for last year. Non pledged income was off by a substantial amount. The accompanying graph shows ...

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February Yellow Bags: Refugee Community

Each month we designate a community partner and give you the opportunity to donate items for them.  In January we partnered with the Covenant Presbyterian Food Pantry.  In February our Refugee Team leads the initiative, and we partner with the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

We are helping IRC put together “Go-Bags.”  The go bags are specifically for survivors of human trafficking.  The human trafficking and refugee communities experience cross-over, and IRC is partnering with the Lighthouse Project for this initiative.  Our ...

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