Hanging of the Greens

Saturday, December 7, from 9:00 am to noon is the Hanging of the Greens. It will be a time of fun and preparation. We decorate the Church, share a soup potluck lunch, bake and deliver cookies, and do a family craft. You can come for all or any part of the day, and that includes lunch.

  • We hang decorations and prepare the entire ...
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A Word from Our Interim Pastor – The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

Rest strong in the truth that you belong to God. 

Dependency on God combines God’s action and human action into experiencing God’s kingdom. Lean on God as we prepare to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).

Here is an update on our Journey to the New Pastor.

  • The Session receives The Strategic Plan (Mission Study) at its Stated Session Meeting, Monday, November 18.
  • November 2024-January 2025 the Nominating Committee finds Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) members.
  • The Session can call a Special Meeting of the ...
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Pastor’s Study: A Presentation of the Liturgical Year in the Church

Join Dr. Marsh on Wednesday mornings, December 4 and December 11 (9:30 am-11:00 am, in Room 208) for the Pastor’s Study: A presentation on the Liturgical Year in the church and use of the liturgical colors to increase our understanding and experience of Christian discipleship as a follower of Jesus Christ. Pastor Steve looks forward to this time with you. Instruction and discussion is a highlight.

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Congregational Meeting: November 17

There is a congregational meeting this Sunday, November 17, at 10:45 am in the Sanctuary. The purpose of the meeting is to hear a report from the nominating team and elect officers. The slate is below:


Class of 2026: Kimberley Adams-McDarty; Class of 2027: Rocky Burris, Darcy Eads, Jocelyn Pafume


Class of 2027: Linda Lindsly, Caitlin Harrison

Board of Trustees

Class of 2027: Terry Woolsey, Bill Wynne

Jacob’s Learning Ladder

Class of 2027: Betsy Schumann

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The Liturgical Season with Pastor Steven Marsh

Join Dr. Marsh on Wednesday mornings, December 4 and December 11, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in room 203 for the Pastor’s Study. This is a presentation on the Liturgical Year in the church and the use of liturgical colors to increase our understanding and experience of Christian discipleship as followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Steve looks forward to this time with you. Instruction and discussion are a highlight.

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