Jacob’s Learning Ladder is Having a Great Summer

The children at Jacob’s Learning Ladder have had lots of fun this summer. We’ve had water days, picnic lunches, and a bike wash. We’ve also experienced lots of other fun learning activities like reading outside, learning about the different levels of the ocean, pond life, transportation and fossils. We wrapped up our summer program with a drive-in movie, complete with cardboard box cars and a popcorn snack!

The lead teachers have been busy creating the curriculum and school calendar for our ...

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Grace Saturday Update: July 25

Dear Grace Community,

Last Sunday we offered a blessing to Sean Foster in worship.  Sean’s last official Sunday with us is August 9.  This spring when Sean announced that he was leaving, the Session formed a search team to find a new Director of Music Ministry.

It was two years ago that Sean was hired for the position.  Several of the people on that 2018 team were uniquely qualified to serve again, so we started building the team from there and added ...

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Emergency Food: Thank you!

In March we invited you to give money to an emergency food fund.  Thanks to your generosity we’ve shared $8,000.  This is amazing!  Your giving made a huge impact, and we are grateful we could share these funds on your behalf.  Below is a list of where we shared.

  • Kansas Food Bank
  • Covenant Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
  • UMC Open Door Food Pantry
  • Chase Community Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
  • Good Neighbor Food Pantry (Hillside Neighborhood)
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Mission Spotlight: July 2020

The Grace Mission Distribution Team has met monthly via Zoom since March.  Thanks to your generosity, our church supports many people and organizations.  Our focus areas for 2020 are Homelessness and Mental Health, but we also prioritized local organizations that were seeing elevated need because of the pandemic. Feel free to contact Catherine Neelly Burton catherine@mygpc.org or team chair Shelley Duncan with questions.


Undesignated Mission Spending

Africa Inland ...
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