Make a Joyful Noise
Here is your first video:
Day 1
Theme Song:
Day 1-Video 1:
Here is your first video:
Theme Song:
Day 1-Video 1:
Dear Grace Pres Community,
We are all aware of the ways Covid-19 has affected our personal lives and the lives of many people around us. Additionally, we can see some of the ways that Covid-19 has impacted the life of our church. Other than the need for online worship, possibly the biggest change we’ve begun to process is altering the ways that we present music, specifically vocal music, for worship.
Recently, I attended a webinar hosted by the American Choral Directors Association ...
Continue Reading →We have a yard sign for you! We miss you at Grace and would love to put a sign in your yard. Feel free to stop by the church and pick up one, or call us, and we’ll deliver.
Continue Reading →This month we partner with Giving the Basics Wichita for our Yellow Bag Drive and for an in-person volunteer opportunity.
From their website:
“Giving the Basics was founded in 2011 in Kansas City on the premise that no one should go without the basic items needed to be clean and live a normal life. Basic hygiene ...
Continue Reading →Dear Grace Community,
“…Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:2-4
You can hear this same passage, read by members of our church, in English, Spanish, and German by going ...
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