Grace Updates: April 25

Dear Grace Community,

“The Israelites said to Moses and Aaron, ‘If only we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate our fill of bread; for you have brought us out into the this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” – Exodus 16:3

Scripture tells us that the Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years.  In the Bible, the number 40 generally means a long ...

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Info for Week of April 20

Dear Grace Community,

Welcome to the Easter Season!  The Easter Season is 50 days to celebrate our risen Lord. Check out this video>

It’s also a time to acknowledge that as Christians, we’re Easter people, and we still see pain and suffering around us.  Being Easter people doesn’t mean we’re always happy and we see good everywhere.  It means following Jesus, showing his love, and listening for where he calls and sends us.

I hope ...

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Grace News: April 11

Dear Grace Community,

Welcome to Holy Saturday, the space between death and resurrection.  For some it may feel like the world is stuck in Holy Saturday, a place of sadness and waiting.  Holy Saturday is a hard place to live, and I have good news for you, Sunday is coming.  Easter is coming.  Resurrection is coming.

Earlier in the week I wrote to you and said, ‘Easter is about an empty cross, an empty grave, and a risen Lord.  Nothing can change ...

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Food Donations

Each month Grace invites you to contribute to our “Yellow Bag” Sundays.  Yellow reusable grocery bags are available, and you are encouraged to fill them with the item of the month and return them to the church.  In March you generously donated items for the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

We aren’t in the building in April, but we want to give you the opportunity to give. There is need for food in our community pantries.  If you’re out at the store ...

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Congregational Letter After Easter

April 15, 2020

Dear Grace Community,

Christ is Risen! In our tradition we celebrate Easter as a season of 50 days. If there were ever a year we needed to hold onto Easter, this is it. We cling to the promise of our risen Lord.

We’ve now worshiped online as a congregation for five Sundays. The Session meets next week and decides whether to continue our current status beyond April. While we aren’t physically together, we give thanks for the ways we can ...

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