From the Pastor’s Desk: March 2020

Dear Grace Community,

But now says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. – Isaiah 43:1

I’m writing to let you know that we are cancelling worship and all church activities (meetings, events, rehearsals, regular groups, etc.) through the end of March.

This is not a decision made lightly but prayerfully and thoughtfully with the best information we have right now.  ...

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From the Pastor’s Desk: A Note About Health Precautions

What does life at Grace Presbyterian Church look like in this time of the Coronavirus – Covid 19?  The answer will likely change from day to day.

Tim and Isaac, our custodians, are cleaning as vigilantly as ever.  Tim is in tune with what cleaning supplies are best equipped to kill the virus.  Jacob’s Learning Ladder is receiving regular updates from the state health department and follows all guidelines.

The other change to our common life is that on Sunday we ask ...

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Maundy Thursday: April 9

Each year we gather to worship on Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter. On Maundy Thursday we commemorate Jesus’ Last Supper with the disciples.  Some years we worship with a Tenebrae service, other years with a drama. Then there is a third way, which we experienced in 2015, 2018, and will experience in 2020.

Recognizing that Maundy Thursday happened around a meal, you’re invited to share a meal together. In mid-March we begin sign-ups at the church. Several Grace members will ...

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Prayer Night: March 24

The season of Lent is a good time to try something different in your faith.  You are invited to a prayer night at Grace on Tuesday, March 24, from 6:30 – 7:30 pm.  Throughout the main level of the church, different rooms and spaces are set up for you to engage in new or different ways of praying at your own pace.  At 7:15 pm, we gather for a brief corporate prayer service.

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