The Grace Cuba Team meets on March 10 at 6:30 pm in Room 103. If you are curious about the Grace Cuba Partnership, come and participate. Questions? Contact Darcy Eads
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The Grace Cuba Team meets on March 10 at 6:30 pm in Room 103. If you are curious about the Grace Cuba Partnership, come and participate. Questions? Contact Darcy Eads
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In January many of our church officers rotated out of service. We give thanks for the leadership they offered to this community.
Thank you to elders Bruce Gealy, Emily Juhnke, Kelly McFall, Laurie Mulford, and Mac Smith.
Thank you to deacons Brooke Bailey, Jan Horner, Gail Meek, Gracei Shelton, and Sue Steele.
Thank you to trustees, Scott Eads, Betsy Sweeney, and Bill Wynne.
We are also grateful to our church officers, president Tom Rhoads, secretary Evon Russell, and treasurer Bob Ross.
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Each month on the first Sunday you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter. In March our contributions go to the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The IRC works with new and long-term refugees in Wichita. Our church refugee team partners with IRC for a variety of projects. Below is a list of items needed at the IRC:
March 1
On this first Sunday of Lent Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from Mark 10:17-31. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at both worship services.
March 8
Scott Randle preaches from Mark 10:32-52. Scott is an elder in our congregation and has completed coursework in the PCUSA Commissioned Ruling Elder program.
March 15
Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from Mark 12:1-17.
March 22
Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from Mark 12:28-44
March 29
Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from Mark 13.
Continue Reading →9 am Worship in the Great Room
10 am Sunday School for all ages
11 am Worship in the Sanctuary
Worship at 9 am is in the Great Room and is led musically by our band. The style is less formal than the 11 am service. The 11 am service is in the Sanctuary and is led musically by our choirs.
A nursery is available all morning from 8:50 – 12:15. From 10 – 10:45 Colissa Fry leads a Sunday ...
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