Bus Tickets and Morning Worship: February 14

Each month Grace distributes bus tickets to people in our community.  This happens on the 15th of the month, or if the 15th is on a weekend we meet the Friday before.  Volunteers and those receiving tickets begin to gather around 6:30 am in the Grace Alcove. We offer a brief worship service at 7:30 am.  Guests are greeted with smiles, coffee, water, and a place to sit. Tickets are distributed at 7:45 am.

We can always use volunteers to help ...

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Financial Peace University: Starts March 4

Imagine having no car payment or house payment; imagine having an emergency fund for the unexpected; imagine having vacations paid for before you take them. You don’t have to imagine it; plan for it!

Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. You’ll learn how to get ...

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Ash Wednesday February 26

ashLent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 26.  This year we again have two opportunities for Ash Wednesday worship.

The first is Ashes On the Go at Watermark Books.  From 7-9 am Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton is at Watermark to mark you with ashes as you start your day.  It’s a come and go time, though you’re welcome to get breakfast and stay ...

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Kids Lead! Worship Service: Sunday February 23 at 10 am

Save the date! Kids Lead Sunday is February 23 at 10 am in the Great Room.  Sunday School classes are working on their contributions to the worship service.  That means we need all of you to offer your ideas and input.  This year we plan on explaining “Why Church?” from the perspective of what we do in worship.  Worship can be really exciting for kids and adults, but it can also feel long and boring and pointless to kids.  At ...

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