Wooden Hearts

Proverbs 7:1-3 “1My son, keep my words and treasure my commandments within you. 2Keep my commandments and live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. 3Tie them to your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.”

Last month at Messy Church we talked about offerings.  What do children have to offer to God?

We came up with quite a few things, for example, children offer a curious mind especially when it comes to understanding God.  Children ...

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Red Cross Blood Drive: March 22

  • Every two seconds someone in the US needs blood.
  • One pint of blood (the approximate amount given in a donation) can be used to help up to three people.
  • About 1/3 of the US population is eligible to give blood.
  • Five million patients in the US need blood every year.

On March 22, we host a Red Cross Blood drive at Grace from 8 am – 1 pm.  Sign up to donate on Sundays at Grace, by calling the office – 684-5215, or by ...

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Super Senior Party

Each year the Deacons host a ‘Super Senior’ party for the seniors in the Grace community.  This year everyone 80 and older is invited.  The event is on March 28.  We gather at noon in the Great Room.

We’re excited to fellowship, share a meal, and enjoy live entertainment.  Our theme is “Spring Fling,” and we hope the theme ...

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Remember Economy Corner

As you’re cleaning closets and organizing drawers please remember that Economy Corner would love to have items that you no longer can use.

We accept clothing as well as household items for our thrift store at Central and Broadway.  Please bring your donations to Grace any time.  Donations can be dropped off in the Economy Corner room in the Southwest corner of the basement. We will price items and send them to the store to be sold.  Grace receives 45% of the ...

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