Silent Night Worship Service: December 9

For anyone who has experienced loss or sadness, the holidays can be difficult, or at the least, stir up emotions.  Whether it is a public loss, like a death in the family or a divorce, or a more private sadness, it can be hard to move through a season when the expectations are high energy, big smiles, and full schedules.

Recognizing that some of us need a time to pause, a quiet time and space set apart during the Advent Season, ...

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Messy Church: December 8

Messy Church happens at 4:30 pm, December 8. Invite your neighbors and friends to this fun, interactive hands on ministry.  Dinner is served at 5:30 pm. This is our chance as a congregation to make a heart connection with our kids and families who may be new to our church or even new to Christian faith.  Passing on our story means that every believer gets the opportunity to share the ways in which God has rescued them.  Life is Messy, ...

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Cuba Connection

On Thursday, November 14, Darcy Eads travels to Cuba along with Cheri Ochs Wheeler, member of the Marion Presbyterian Church.  They will meet with Presbyterians from the US and Presbyterians from the Del Centro Presbytery of Cuba.  In addition, Darcy and Cheri meet with members and leaders of the Placetas Presbyterian Church.

Pray for Cheri and Darcy. Pray for their safety.  Pray that God guides them as they seek to discern how our churches might partner with Cuba.  Pray that the ...

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Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, November 17, we gather at 10:50 am in the Grace Sanctuary for a congregational meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to hear a report from the nominating team and to elect officers.  The Nominating Team brings forward the following names:


Class of 2022: Sandy Blaylock, Betsy Ross, Elyse Scholl

Class of 2020: Joe Wachira Wangombe


Class of 2022: Rocky Burris, Kevin Farrell, Edith Tice

Board of Trustees

Class of 2022: Anne Burris, Scott Fraizer, Ron Spangenberg

Jacob’s Learning Ladder Board

Class of 2022: Rebecca ...

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