Visit the Excavation Station!

Here are five reasons to visit the brand new elementary ministry area called…The Excavation Station!  This ministry area was newly refurbished to create a space for our elementary kids to call their own.  But this is also a space for all friends of Grace to see and enjoy.  Below are just a few of our favorite reasons to visit.

  1. There are hidden scripture scrolls all over the room.  Can you find them all?
  2. A suspended Holy Land map wall to help your ...
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Children’s Ministry News from Jennifer

The elementary children of Grace Presbyterian Church invite you to come and see their new ministry area…. The Excavation Station!  Please pop in between services on Sunday mornings or ask a staff member to show you around during the week. There are hidden scripture scrolls (try and find them), a map wall, reading nook and hot chocolate bar. The teaching team is excited about the ways in which this new area allows them to dig deeper into God’s word with ...

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Youth Confirmation Class

Youth Confirmation is the opportunity for youth, eighth grade to high school, to take a snapshot of where they are in the faith, explore possibilities to grow their faith, and to understand the church universal and how Grace and their participation partner together to make this a better house of God.

If your youth is interested, please contact Kirk Anderson or Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton for more information. The classes start near the end of October and finish mid-April.  We meet ...

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Mental Health and Youth Series

Mental health is one of those topics that can conjure up lots of feelings and emotions.  There still are stigmas with mental health and being willing to ask or seek help.  We know for a fact that many high school youth deal with mental health and coping issues daily such as depression, anxiety, self-worth and many more.

Starting September 25 we spend three weeks talking and discussing mental health issues that seem to be prevalent in the high school age youth. ...

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Peace and Global Witness Offering: October 6

On Sunday, October 6, we celebrate World Communion Sunday.  Along with siblings in faith around the globe we share the Lord’s Supper in worship. We also receive the Peace and Global Witness Offering.  This offering is one of the PCUSA offerings we receive every year. Fifty percent of the received offering goes to the national church for peacemaking efforts around the globe. Twenty-five percent goes to the Presbytery of Southern Kansas for peacemaking efforts in the region. The Grace Mission ...

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