October Worship Schedule

9 am         Worship in the Great Room

10 am       Education and Fellowship

11 am       Worship in the Sanctuary

Worship at 9 am is in the Great Room and is led musically by our band.  The style is less formal than the 11 am service.  The 11 am service is in the Sanctuary and is led musically by our choirs.  The style is more traditional.

Sunday, October 14, is the Wichita Prairie Fire Marathon. The marathon and half marathon run by Grace, impacting traffic, and ...

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Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

As we watch natural disasters impact our nation and world, know that the Presbyterian Church USA is involved in disaster assistance and clean-up.  The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is active in many ways.  Last fall our congregation packed 18 clean-up buckets.  Buckets like ours are given out after events like Hurricane Florence.  The PDA is involved in the long-term clean up and restoration efforts in Houston from Hurricane Harvey.  Learn more here: http://pda.pcusa.org/

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Financial Peace University: Changed Perspectives, Changed Lives

What if families didn’t have to face car payments or credit card debt? What if couples were on the same page with their finances and could avoid destructive money fights? What can people accomplish when finances don’t hold them back?

Money is one of the toughest topics for people in America to talk about. But as a key component of discipleship, learning how to deal with money is a desperately needed skill. For many years Grace has been a place where ...

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From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Grace Community,

You’ve heard a lot from me recently about the Deep Roots Capital Campaign.  I’m excited about the ways it will strengthen our ministries and our facilities.

Seventy years ago, we dedicated our current sanctuary.  Much has changed in the world since then.  What hasn’t changed is the opportunity to share God’s love with others.

Children, youth, and adults still light up when they hear Bible Stories and come to know Jesus.  People in need still appreciate compassion in the form ...

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Yellow Bag Sundays: October

As we all know, some of us have more than others. Over the Thanksgiving holiday those with more have an opportunity to help those with less.  Grace Presbyterian is helping our neighbors by collecting food (or money) to help the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church Food Pantry.  For the Yellow Bag collection in October and throughout our Stewardship season our congregation is collecting specific items to fill food baskets.

Below are the items we need to fill each food basket:

  • Canned Veggies – ...
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