Pastor Nominating Team Update

The Pastoral Nomination Committee (PNC) is still working its way through the Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP).  This is the document that describes the head pastor position and the mission of our congregation to help us find the best candidate.  They anticipate having it completed and ready to post online for potential pastors to view by the end of April.  There is also a new bulletin board by the coffee bar that illustrates the progress of the PNC.  PNC members include Kevin East, Carolyn Shaw, Ginny ...

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A Word from Our Interim Pastor – The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

The Worship Service Part 2

Silence beckons us to cast our burdens on God and claim the promises of Scripture that remind us that God is faithful, that nothing is impossible with God. 

We Hear God’s Word 

  • Texts from the “Old and New Testaments” are read. These texts are not just words. According to the Reformed tradition in which we stand as Presbyterians, the Bible is God’s authoritative word in all matters of faith and practice. Thus, the Bible is important, as it ...
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03-16-2025 Rev Steven Marsh – Disappointing Love Never!

“Connecting with Jesus, One Another, and Others in the Unconditional Love of Our God (Together, in a variety of ways)”

“Disappointing Love? Never!” – Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17-4:1 , Luke 13:31-35

Adolf Sannwald was a German national. He also graduated from Harvard Divinity School. Sannwald was killed while serving in the German army on the eastern front, in the campaign against Russia. Adolf Sannwald’s name appears on the wall of honor at Harvard. There is an asterisk by his name which ...

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03-09-2025 Rev Steven Marsh – Security and Refuge in God’s Love

“Security and Refuge in God’s Love” -“Connecting with Jesus, One Another, and Others in the Unconditional Love of Our God (Together, in a variety of ways)” Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Romans 10:8b-13, Luke 4:1-13 

The liturgical season of Lent raises awareness of the role of sin in our lives as well as society and culture. Followers of Jesus must balance the awareness of sin with our God who is loving, compassionate, and our ultimate hope.[1] This balancing act is disturbing, since ...

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