Sunday Morning Preaching Schedule for September 2018

September 2    

On this first Sunday of the month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper.  Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from Mark 7:1-8.

September 9     

We welcome our Chancel Choir back to 11:00 worship this Sunday, and at 4:30 pm we gather for Messy Church.  Catherine Neelly Burton preaches for both morning services.

September 16   

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.

September 23   

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.

September 30   

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.

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Refugee Backpack Party: The Children Thank You

Approximately three hundred children came to First Presbyterian on Saturday, August 11, and left with new backpacks filled with needed supplies, full tummies and perhaps some new friends. Scores of volunteers coordinated to provide the volumes of paper, pens, and more, and to serve lunch,  transport clients, and shepherd them through the maze.

Grace was vital in this ecumenical effort and the organizers were very thankful for our extended assistance. Many of you filled yellow bags and donated $375 to help ...

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Messy Church: September 9

Messy Church returns in September!

Messy Church is our once a month interactive worship experience that always ends with free dinner.  This year Messy Church happens on the second Sunday of the month at 4:30 pm.  Messy Church is designed with children 8 and under in mind, BUT people of all ages are welcome.  It’s a little different each month, but there is always singing, playing, laughing, praying, and Bible story telling.  We wrap up with dinner around 5:30 pm.

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Chancel Choir and Bell Choir

Choir and Bell Choir Seasons are approaching, and we would love for you to join us!

We don’t require prior experience or particular skill. I (Sean) truly believe that anyone can join either our Chancel Choir or bell choir and contribute to our ministry. Currently we have open spots in bell choir, and are looking for more singers – especially men!

Chancel Choir starts on Wednesday, August 29 at 7 pm, and Bells starts Thursday, September 6 at 6:30.  If you have questions ...

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New Grace T-shirts

On Sunday, August 19, we rolled out our new Grace Presbyterian logo.  T-shirts with the logo are available for $5, and you may sign up for a shirt on Sunday, August 26 or September 2.

In the winter, the Grace Communication Team contacted Emily Juhnke who works at Gardner Design. Gardner Design specializes in logos and branding and generously worked with us. The new logo shows the Christian symbols of the dove and flame. It shows our traditional nature as well ...

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