
The Grace Presbyterian Tutoring Program completed its 20th year on April 12, 2018.  For 20 years this ministry has partnered adults with students from Hyde Elementary to work on reading skills.  A staff member from Hyde walks the children over on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Here they are greeted with a snack and friendly faces. Then each child spends 45 minutes to an hour reading with an adult. The results are incredible. Year after year students make amazing strides in ...

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Kirk Anderson: Good Apple

Good AppleIt’s no secret to us that Kirk Anderson is a good apple, and now we have the picture to prove it. On April 16, 2018, Kirk was recognized as a Good Apple by the Wichita Board of Education. The Wichita Board of Education Good Apple program is a way for schools to recognize employees, volunteers, and partners who provide ...

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Muffins for Jacob’s Learning Ladder: May 1 and 2

It’s time to offer a blessing to Jacob’s Learning Ladder Families. Each spring we set aside a couple of days and greet families with coffee and muffins when they come to drop-off their children.  This small gesture goes a long way in extending care from our congregation to families, and we need your help. Sign up at the church to either bake muffins (drop them off at Grace on April 29) or to be here to greet and share.

Questions?  Contact ...

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Confirmation Class

On Sunday, April 29, our confirmation class joins the church. These eighth and ninth graders have met since the fall to explore their own faith and the faith of the church.

Kirk Anderson faithfully led this group and pulled in different people in the congregation to teach occasional classes. We are excited for the ways these young people will continue to grow in faith and lead in our church. We have the opportunity to continue to guide them and to learn ...

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Grace Hosts Presbytery: May 8

On May 8, we welcome the Presbytery of Southern Kansas to Grace Presbyterian Church. Grace is part of the Presbyterian Church USA denomination, and our regional body is the Presbytery of Southern Kansas. The presbytery meets four times a year at different churches, and we are excited to host.

The day includes worship, a meeting, lunch, and fellowship. Hosting this event requires many volunteers. If you are interested in helping with some or all of the day please contact Catherine Neelly ...

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