Celebrate Donna Hetrick’s Ministry: May 20

Join us for lunch in the Great Room on Sunday, May 20, following the 11 am worship service. Over lunch we celebrate Donna Hetrick’s ministry with and among us.

Donna and Bill move to Kansas City this summer.  May 20 is not Donna’s last day with us, but it’s the last Sunday before Memorial Day Weekend when people begin to scatter.

Lunch is $8.50 for adults, $3 for children under 12, and free for children under 3. There is a family max ...

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Pentecost Offering: May 20

On Sunday, May 20, we receive the PCUSA Pentecost Offering. The Pentecost Offering goes to programs for children at risk, youth, and young adults. Sixty percent of what we receive goes to the PCUSA for the work our national church does with these groups. Forty percent of the offering stays at Grace.

This year our mission team designated our 40% to go for Jacob’s Learning Ladder scholarships. Jacob’s Learning Ladder currently serves 92 children and their families. Scholarship money is used ...

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Red Cross Blood Drive: June 3

Every two seconds someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion. One blood donation may save as many as three lives.

Save a life on June 3 by giving blood at Grace during our Red Cross blood drive. We need 17 donors, and you could be one! Sign up by contacting Catherine Neelly Burton: catherine@mygpc.org, or by going to the Red Cross online and finding our drive. Sign up on Sundays by the coffee bar starting on ...

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Bus Tickets and Morning Worship: May 15

Each month Grace distributes bus tickets to people in our community.  This happens on the 15th of the month, or if the 15th is on a weekend we meet the Friday before.  Volunteers and those receiving tickets begin to gather around 6:30 am in the Grace Alcove. Guests are greeted with smiles, coffee, water, and a place to sit. Tickets are distributed at 7:50 am.

We can always use volunteers to help with set-up, clean-up, and ticket distribution.  Want to help?  ...

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Yellow Bags/Decorated Bags: May

Each month on the first Sunday you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter. This month yellow bags become decorated bags. The Messy Church worshipers decorated bags to be used this month, so please take one of those and bring it back with food. In May our contributions go to the Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church food pantry.  All non-perishable food items are ...

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