February 2018 Youth Schedules

If you would like to get on the Student Ministry email list for either IGNITE or INSPIRE/WYLDlife, please email your request to Kirk Anderson at kirk@mygpc.org

IGNITE (All High School aged youth)

  • Sunday School
    • Every Sunday but February 11 – Jesus and Mean People are the discussion.
  • Wednesday Fellowship: February 7, 14 and 28. Youth Worship on February 21.
    • 3:40 pm Chess club study hall
    • 5:30 pm Dinner
    • 6:30 pm Fellowship

INSPIRE (All Middle High aged youth)

  • Sunday School
    • Every Sunday but February 11 – Jesus and Mean People are ...
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From the Pastor’s Desk- January 2018

Dear Grace Community,

Music is central to our life as a church.  We raise our voices in song, and we connect with God through beautiful music that is made in worship. For over 23 years, Donna Hetrick has led our music ministry at Grace. Our community is blessed by her faithfulness, her dedication, and her love for worship, music, and people.

Donna and her family are moving next summer, so she will no longer serve in our music ministry. Donna actually holds ...

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Congregational Study for Lent: Creed

You are invited to participate in a congregational study on the Apostles’ Creed during Lent.  We’re using Adam Hamilton’s book, Creed. Books are $15.  You may buy them through Amazon or another source, or we sell them on Sundays, February 4, 11, and 18.

Study Groups are as follows:

Sunday Morning at 10 am

  • Creed – Book-Based Group: Meets in Room 101

This class is for people who do the reading each week and want to come together to talk about it.

  • Creed – Video-Based ...
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John Rutter’s The Gift of Life

John Rutter’s The Gift of Life

Our Music Ministry has the wonderful opportunity to present John Rutter’s large work, The Gift of Life, in the 11 am worship service on April 22.

We are hiring a small orchestra to accompany.  Our choirs rehearse every Wednesday, beginning January 10, 7:30-8:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary, and invite you to join us!

Rutter is a wonderful British composer who published this work in 2015 as a celebration of life. Please come join us in learning this ...

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