Grace Tutoring

The Grace Tutoring Program begins its twentieth year this fall.  The Tutoring Program takes place during the week, so many of us at Grace never see it in action, but the impact is incredible.  Students from Hyde Elementary School are paired up with adult tutors for reading.  The majority of the tutors are Grace members, but non-members are welcome too.

Tutoring takes place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons October – November and January – April.  Students are walked over to Grace ...

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Women’s Ministry

Book Club

The book club meets the final Tuesday of the month, August 29,.  Our new book is One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  Please read the first chapter before the gathering.  On August 29, the group meets at Capri Zimmerman’s house, 6430 E Pepperwood Court.

Contact Capri Zimerman or Catherine Neelly Burton, for more information.


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Youth Group Dinners

It’s that time of year again when our youth return to school, and they also return to Grace on Wednesdays for food, fellowship and Bible study. We ask that you please consider whether you could provide a meal for our youth this semester (either homemade, purchased, or simply through a financial contribution).

Please note that we are requesting food for 25 people this year. Sign up at:
Or contact Carolyn Shaw (210-9478) or Kirk Anderson if you have questions.  Thank ...

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Ukulele Choir – Mondays in October!

Ukulele Choir meets in the Great Room on Mondays for the month of October from 7-8 p.m.  We plan to play in worship on Sunday, November 5.  Anyone is welcome — all ages and skill levels, including no skill level!

Ukuleles are available for those who don’t have one.  Come join us and make your joyful offering to God in a new way!  How can you not smile when you’re playing a ukulele!!

Questions or want to play?  Contact Donna Hetrick at ...

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Get to Know Grace: August 26

Are you new to Grace?  Have you been here awhile and still have some questions about us?  It’s time to ‘Get to Know Grace.’

Join Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton on Saturday, August 26, at 9 am for conversation about Grace.  Bring your questions and come ready to learn about who we are and what it means for us to follow Jesus as a church.

We gather at 9 am in the Grace Parlor and will be done no later than 10:30 am.

Questions? ...

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