Providing Room and Rooms for Ministry

Special gifts and capital campaigns are important ways that we share in the ministries of Grace Presbyterian Church. And it’s exciting to see things like construction projects, new projection equipment and pew cushions and chancel lighting and electronic pianos. But for our building to be part of the Wichita community, we also must take care of the less glamorous but important maintenance aspects of this facility. Five years ago, Trustees and Session committed to including a Long-Term Maintenance component in ...

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Clean Up Buckets and Hygiene Kits: We need your help!

When a natural disaster hits the United States, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) responds in multiple ways. One response is with Clean Up Buckets and Hygiene Kits. After Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, it’s time to re-stock the PDA warehouse.  The Presbytery of Southern Kansas is collecting buckets and kits and will send them all to the PDA warehouse in Arkansas in November.

How can you help?  Put together a bucket or kit, and bring it to Grace by Sunday, November ...

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Red Cross Blood Drive: November 12

  • Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood.
  • One pint of blood (the approximate amount given in a donation) can be used to help up to three people.
  • About 1/3 of the US population is eligible to give blood.
  • Five million patients in the US need blood every year.

On November 12, we host a Red Cross Blood drive at Grace from 8 am – 1 pm. Sign up to donate by calling the office at 684-5215, emailing Catherine Neelly Burton at ...

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Sunday Morning Discipleship: October 15

Children and Youth

  • Children ages 0-Pre-K

A nursery is available all morning from 8:50 – 12:15.  From 10 – 10:45 Colissa Fry leads a Sunday School lesson for these children.

  • Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Kindergarten – 2nd grade meets in room B10 (in the basement) also known as the ‘Foundation Station.’

  • 3rd – 5th Grades

3rd, 4th, and 5th graders meet in Tower Room (on the 2nd floor).

  • Youth

6-8th graders meet in the Youth Center (downstairs)

9-12th graders meet in the Youth Center (downstairs)


Faithful Families – Meets in Room ...

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