Red Cross Blood Drive: August 6

  • Every two seconds someone in the US needs blood.
  • One pint of blood (the approximate amount given in a donation) can be used to help up to three people.
  • About 1/3 of the US population is eligible to give blood.
  • Five million patients in the US need blood every year.

On August 6, we host a Red Cross Blood drive at Grace from 8 am – 1 pm. Sign up to donate by calling the office – 684-5215, emailing Catherine Neelly Burton  ...

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Get in on the Act(s)

Join Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton in reading through the Book of Acts. During the month of June, and the first Sunday of July, our worship texts all come from Acts. Gather with Catherine for five Tuesdays at noon to read through the book. We’ll read out loud through several chapters each week. We’ll pause for discussion and questions as they arise. No prep is necessary. Bring a Bible and meet in Room 101 at noon on Tuesdays starting on May ...

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From the Pastor’s Desk: May 2017

On Palm Sunday, April 9, we received the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. On Pentecost, June 4, we receive the Pentecost Offering. These are two of the four special offerings we receive each year as part of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). Our church leadership sees these offerings as an opportunity to be part of ministry that is much bigger than this congregation.

The PCUSA, of which Grace is a part, has over one million members. Being part of a ...

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Bus Tickets and Morning Worship: May 15

Each month Grace distributes bus tickets to people in our community.  This happens on the 15th of the month, or if the 15th is a weekend we meet the Friday before.  Volunteers and those receiving tickets begin to gather around 6:30 am in the Grace Alcove. Guests are greeted with smiles, coffee, water, and a place to sit. Tickets are distributed at 7:50 am.

We invite all guests to a brief worship service with communion in the Great Room at 7:35 ...

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