A Word From Our Interim Pastor The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

This past Sunday was a remarkable day. It began with our youth leading worship and informing all of us on the work of partnering with God in mission work in Georgia. Following worship Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting Step 3 transpired. A very open and authentic experience was had by all in attendance, approximately 99 people. 


The question discussed was: What are Grace’s strengths and additional challenges, along with ...

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Town Hall Meeting Future Dates

Help us create the path to our next pastor call. Dr. Steven Marsh is leading a continuation of our Town Hall programs. Please add the dates below to your calendar and join us for lunch and discussion. All meetings are scheduled after one service on Sunday: service at 10 am and lunch/meeting following around 11 am.

  • Sunday, September 15, 2024 – Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting Step 4: In what ways would you suggest strengthening Grace’s relationships with the ...
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Help Us To Stay Up To Date

It is time again to update our church database to make sure we have current or correct contact information. Next Sunday, tables will be in the foyer outside the Sanctuary with attendee information sheets. Please take a moment to look at your information.

Let our volunteers know if we need to update your information. For those who attend online, there will be a form on our website or in Grace News on August 22.

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Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are The Change”

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are The Change”

“Diversity Is Not The Enemy”

Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15

John 6:24-35

There is a saying among the Ngambaye people of Chad: “one day of hunger can make a wife leave her husband’s house.”[1] We, like this wife and the people of God in the Exodus 16 reading, want what we want when we want it. We want God to solve “stuff” for us. In the Exodus text, Moses is the advocate on the people’s behalf for ...

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August Yellow Bag: Jacob’s Learning Ladder

Our August Yellow Bag collection goes to another educational cause close to our congregation’s heart – Jacob’s Learning Ladder. Once again, you are encouraged to give a monetary gift through the Church to help JLL buy items that are needed. Please designate your gift as JLL on your check or if by cash, with a note identifying your gift to JLL. If donating online, choose the Yellow Bag designation.

Here is the list of items they want to purchase for the ...

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