A Word From Our Interim Pastor – The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meetings have focused on adaptive change. I introduced the following principles at Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting, Step 2, on Sunday, May 5. Those principles are making observations, making interpretations, asking questions, and making measured interventions. This process of making observations, making interpretations, asking questions, and making measured interventions is an excellent discernment process as we listen to God and one another for the vision and future of Grace.

Moving from the “Old ...

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Sixty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary

Don and Rogena Allison celebrate 65 years of marriage on August 1. You are invited to a celebration reception on Thursday, August 1, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at Larksfield Place, 7373 East 29th Street, North, in the Clark Enrichment Center. Enter off 29th Street and enter the building from the entrance by the parking lot. Please come and help us celebrate!

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A Word From Our Interim Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

It’s All About Jesus! 

Jesus has existed from the beginning and is the Living Word. This Jesus was born of a virgin and his conception was supernatural. Jesus is God incarnate. Jesus is our Savior. He is fully man and fully God. As F.F. Bruce notes, “’A Saviour not quite God’, said Bishop Handley Moule, ‘is a bridge broken at the farther end.’ With equal truth it must be said that a Saviour-and an Exemplar-not quite man is a bridge broken ...

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The Journey of One Race and One Blood Isn’t Easy

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are a Participant in the Dream”

“The Journey of One Race and One Blood Isn’t Easy”

2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27

Mark 5:21-43

Next week we celebrate our 248th anniversary of independence as a country. 1776 was an important year. And then eleven years later, in 1787, our government’s system of democracy was established. As a country, we value the idealism of the Declaration of Independence and the pragmatism of the Constitution.

Democracy is a modern idea that is transformative. A democratic ...

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