IGNITE Mission Night: Overflow Shelter Meal

On January 27, members of the IGNITE high school youth group prepared and served a meal for the Interfaith Homeless Overflow Shelter. They chopped vegetables, decorated cupcakes, cooked meat, and made a feast to share with our brothers and sisters downtown.

Thank you to Kirk Anderson for arranging this, for adult volunteers for supervising and driving, and to our youth who made it happen!

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Jacob’s Learning Ladder

Grace Presbyterian is proud of Jacob’s Learning Ladder (JLL). JLL is a vibrant ministry of our congregation. God’s youngest children fill our church Monday through Friday, and we are honored that their families entrust them to us.

We are grateful for the incredible staff that cares for and teaches these children.

Each winter the staff goes above and beyond what is required of them and puts on two special events, Dad’s Night and Mom’s Night. On those nights the Grace Great Room ...

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Yellow Bag: February 2016

Each month on the first Sunday you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter.

This month our contributions go to the food pantry at Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church. Consider bringing cereal or macaroni and cheese.

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February Sunday Morning Preaching Schedule

February 7

This is a ONE service Sunday with worship at 10 am in the sanctuary. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from Luke 9:28-26. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper and say goodbye to our Alleluias as this is the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday.

February 10

On Ash Wednesday, Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton is at Watermark Books from 7-9 am for the imposition of ashes. We have a full Ash Wednesday service at 7 pm that includes the imposition of ashes and the Lord’s ...

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February Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 9 am Worship in the Great Room
  • 10 am Education and Fellowship (see below)
  • 11 am Worship in the Sanctuary

Worship at 9 am is in the Great Room and is led musically by our band. The style is less formal than the 11 am service. The 11 am service is in the Sanctuary and is led musically by our choirs. The style is more traditional.

There is NO Sunday School on February 7. Instead we have ONE worship service at 10:00 am in ...

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