Operation Holiday Volunteer Day: December 12

We need your help! Every year Operation Holiday (Interfaith Ministries) serves over 12,000 people. Operation Holiday provides food, coats, and gifts for families in need.

On Saturday, December 12, we sort donations to Operation Holiday. We did this two years ago and sorted coats and thousands of canned goods. It’s a fun, active way to serve and do something good for people of all ages. Children and youth (with an adult) are welcome.

There are two shifts on December 12: 10 am ...

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We Can Help Our Neighbors in Need Have a Warm Holiday & Winter

Through Operation Holiday, Inter-Faith Ministries expects to serve 14,000 of our neighbors in need this December with the gifts of coats and other warm items, canned foods, and toys all shared by our community.  We are part of this gift giving.

From Nov. 15 through Dec. 13, please bring gifts of warm coats for adults, infants and toddlers, clean blankets, and warm hats and scarves, gloves and mittens to Church and place them in Inter-Faith Ministries’ Operation Holiday boxes near the ...

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Special Music in December

Advent and Christmas is a wonderful time for music, and we have several special offerings planned.  All of these are great opportunities to come together, and invite friends to join, in praising God and celebrating the season.  May all be to the Glory of God!

We have three Advent Concerts on Sundays during the month of December from 10:15-10:40 am in the sanctuary.  Each group also helps lead music in the 11 am worship service.

  • December 6 – Mountain Dulcimer and Fiddle, Erin ...
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Race with Grace, Then Feed Your Face! November 26, 2015

GraceMed Health Clinic is hosting its 5th annual ‘Say Grace’ Thanksgiving Day 5K Race on Thursday, November 26 at 9:30am. Enjoy all your holiday indulgences GUILT FREE by joining us on Thanksgiving morning for a 5K run, walk, or stroll with your family through one of Wichita’s most historic neighborhoods.

Last year’s event raised nearly $50,000 for GraceMed Health Clinic. To register, visit either GoRun Wichita locations or click below.

Click on Join a Team and enter Race with Grace.

Several team trophies ...

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Worship, Installation, Lunch: Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday, November 22, is a special day at Grace. There is one worship service at 10:30 am in the sanctuary. During the service Catherine Neelly Burton will be installed as the senior pastor by a commission from the Presbytery of Southern Kansas. Up to this point, Catherine has been the designated senior pastor.

In addition we are joined in worship by sisters and brothers from the Presbyterian churches in Chase, Kansas, and Caldwell, Kansas. Scott Randle, an elder in our congregation, ...

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