Congregational Lent Study: The Way

51lAvy6GEVL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_You are invited to participate in a congregational study during Lent. The study is called “The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus” and is written by Adam Hamilton. We used his “Forgiveness” study last year for Lent.

“The Way” takes participants on a six-week journey through the life and teachings of Jesus. Class participants should buy the book. Books are on ...

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Children’s Ministry Blog

Written by Jennifer Snook

“Out of the mouths of babes you have prepared praise for yourself…”(Matthew 21:16)

We all listened when they spoke. We heard the miracle of the Christmas story anew because the children in our church body lead us. Indeed, children have a voice that should be heard, and through them, the elders might just receive the guidance needed to journey on toward what God is planning for Grace Presbyterian Church in 2016. A special thank you to all the ...

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College Conference Blog

College Conference: Montreat, North Carolina

In early January 2016, Kirk Anderson and Sean Foster took five of our college students to Montreat, North Carolina, for a Presbyterian College Conference. Spencer McIntire, a freshman at KState, wrote a reflection for our blog:

I really enjoyed the Montreat College Conference! It was an amazing experience where I met with about 1,000 other college-aged Christians to discuss our faith. Specifically, the verse that the conference centered around was John 3:16 and the many different meanings ...

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Human Trafficking Awareness Blog

January is Human Trafficking Awareness month. The Wichita State University Center for Combating Human Trafficking hosts events during the last week of the month that are free and open to the public.

January 26, 5:30 pm – WSU Old Town, 238 N Mead

“A Path Appears” Documentary Screening and Discussion

Free, open to the public, no registration required

January 28, 6 pm – Eastside Community Church, 14242 E 21st St N

“Engage, Act, Abolish: Do No Harm in the Anti-Trafficking Movement”

Free, open to the public, ...

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From the Pastor’s Desk: January 11, 2015

Dear Grace Community,

Sunday, January 10, was Baptism of the Lord Sunday. Each year we read the story of Jesus’ baptism and remember our own baptisms. In 2015 we baptized five people in our congregation.

What was unique was that none were infant baptisms. Three of the baptized were teenagers, and two were adults who had been active in church for their entire lives but never baptized. Each baptism was a beautiful celebration of God’s claim on their lives and a reminder ...

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