From the Pastor’s Desk: December 5

Dear Grace Community,

A couple of weeks ago I sat at my desk making worship plans. I read through scripture and liturgies, and I thumbed through the hymnal. One of my favorite things about our hymnal is the online resource. The online hymnal lets us keep track of how many times we’ve sung a hymn and what dates we sang it. It also makes suggestions about hymns to go with scripture.

The best thing about it is that it plays 30-second samples ...

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Yellow Bag Sundays in December 2015

Each month on the first Sunday, you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter. This month our contributions go to Operation Holiday. Operation
Holiday is part of Interfaith Ministries and served over 12,000 people in Wichita last year providing them with food, coats, and gifts.

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Silent Night Service is December 14

Advent (or the Christmas Season as many call it) is a time of mixed messages and mixed emotions. For anyone who has
experienced loss or sadness, the holidays can be difficult, or at the least, stir up emotions. Whether it is a public loss, like a death in the family or a divorce, or a more private sadness, it can be hard to move through a season when the expectations are high energy, big smiles, and Santa sweaters.

Recognizing that some ...

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Sunday Morning Preaching Schedule for December 2015

December 6    

Do You Hear What I Hear? In week two of our Advent series we listen for ‘the voice of one crying out’ and look at Luke 3:1-6. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches, and we celebrate the Lord’s Supper at both worship services.

December 13 

Do you Hear What I Hear? In week three of our Advent series we listen for ‘words of comfort’ and look at Isaiah 40:1-11. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches. At 11 am we celebrate the sacrament of baptism, and ...

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Sunday Morning Schedule: December 2015

9 am           Worship in the Great Room

10 am         Education, Fellowship, and Special Music

11 am        Worship in the Sanctuary

Worship at 9 am is in the Great Room and is led musically by our band. The style is less formal than the 11 am service. The 11 am service is in the Sanctuary and is led musically by our choirs. The style is more traditional.

On Sunday, December 27, we have ONE worship service at 10 am in the sanctuary ...

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