Children’s Ministry by Jennifer Snook

There is something to be said about routine. We expect certain things to happen at certain times each day. For families, the start of school launches a new spin on routine. There is a sadness that accompanies the end of summer, but there is renewed, hopeful energy around the academic routine.

If your start to school promises are anything like mine, you tell yourself this year things are going to be different. You determine the routine will not rule your life. ...

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September Sunday Morning Schedule

9 am           Worship in the Great Room

10 am         Education and Fellowship (see below)

11 am         Worship in the Sanctuary

Worship at 9 am is in the Great Room and is led musically by our band. The style is less formal than the 11 am service. The 11 am service is in the Sanctuary and is led musically by our choirs. The style is more traditional.

Here’s where you will find education and fellowship opportunities at 10 am every Sunday in September ...

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Sunday Morning Preaching Schedule: September

September 6  

Dr. Martin Burch preaches this day. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at both 9 am and 11 am.

September 13

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches this day. We begin a three week series called, “Straight Talk with Jesus,” looking at some of the hard conversations Jesus had with others. The scripture from this day is Mark 8:27-38.

September 20 

This is the second in our three week “Straight Talk with Jesus” series, and we look at Mark 9:30-37. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.

September 27

In the ...

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Yellow Sundays: September

Each month on the first Sunday you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter. This month our contributions go to the Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church Food Pantry. Consider bringing Macaroni and Cheese or canned proteins.

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What happened to the Chapel Class?

In February 2012 we changed our Sunday morning schedule at Grace. As a congregation we transitioned from three worship services to two. When we did this we created the 10-11 am hour between services. Before this, services and classes had overlapped. In an effort to provide education for all interested adults during the new hour, the Chapel Class was born. It was called the Chapel Class because it met in the chapel.

Church staff organized the class and made sure that ...

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