Automatic Giving

Would you like one less thing to have to think about regularly and help Grace’s cash flow at the same time? Then sign up to have your pledge taken out of your savings or checking account on a regular basis.

Grace offers the opportunity for automatic withdrawals. Technically this is an ACH debit. It is an automatic transfer of your giving from your checking or savings account directly to Grace’s account. It costs you nothing, saves you time and checks, and ...

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Weekday Worship and Bus Tickets: Friday August 14

On Friday, August 14, guests gather at Grace to receive bus tickets. This monthly ministry begins at 7 am. Guests arrive and gather in the alcove. Tickets are distributed at 8:30 am. Following ticket distribution everyone is invited to stay for a brief worship service with communion at 8:40 am.

Church members and non-bus ticket recipients are encouraged to join us for worship.

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August Youth Schedule

IGNITE (All High School aged youth)

  • Sunday School (10 am – 10:50 am) Family that Studies together stays together. All church family/friends study in the Great Room for the month of August.
  • Fellowship is back next semester starting August 26.

INSPIRE (All Middle High aged youth)

  • Sunday School (10 am – 10:50 am) Family that Studies together stays together. All church family/friends study in the Great Room for the month of August.
  • Tuesday Chess (3:30 pm – 4:30 pm) in Room 101, led by Ann Graham ...
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Mission Spotlight: August

There are many ways to “do mission.” Some people give their time by working hands-on in mission or behind the scenes. Other people participate in mission by praying, while others are active in mission by giving financially. I firmly believe that God has a mission in the world, and that we have the opportunity to participate in that mission. Our participation takes many forms.

There are formal mission initiatives that we take on as a congregation such as tutoring, Economy Corner, ...

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From the Pastor’s Desk on August 13

“How are things going with the Laundry Project, Catherine?”

That’s a question I get from time to time. People aren’t wondering about my home laundry (which is fine), but instead they’re wondering about Laundry Love.

What is Laundry Love?

Last fall the presbytery was offering “evangelism grants.” A church could submit a proposal for an evangelism project and might be granted some money. Our evangelism team talked, and most of our ideas had to do with getting people to Grace. This is not ...

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