Wichita Alternative Gift Market: November 14

Last week, Catherine talked about how God Call Us to Co-Mission. This Sunday, the message is God Calling Us to Compassion. What great messages. Timing could not have been better to help us remember about the Wichita Alternative Gift Market!

“God Calls Us” to help others (the poor, the hungry, the sick, the uneducated, our environment). Our participation in the Alternative Gift Market gives us a chance to be compassionate and help people around the world.

There is a new location for ...

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Mission Spotlight: Grace Knitters

Every year Grace Knitters make over 200 hats and scarves for local elementary school students. This ministry takes place primarily on an individual basis. Each knitter creates and then brings the scarves and hats to the church. Once here, a group puts tags on each creation before sharing them with students.


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INSPIRE Mission and Worship Weekend

By Kirk Anderson, Director of Student Ministries

It finally transpired…a mission, service, worship, fun weekend for our INSPIRE Middle high youth. From early Saturday morning, October 3 through Sunday, October 4, we spent the weekend in Chase, Kansas. Chase is a great small community just northwest of Hutchinson. Why Chase? It’s simple really. We have a connection with one of our members, Scott Randle, who preaches there on a monthly basis. Scott was instrumental in working with the Chase Community Presbyterian ...

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Children’s Ministry Update: October 2015

Children’s Ministry Update by Jennifer Snook

“Don’t blink,” they say. “Take a lot of photos,” they say. “It all goes so fast,” they say.

I think the only way to silence the voices of fear that tell us as parents that we are somehow missing something, is to make memories. To be sure, memories are made right along the breakfast aisle in the grocery store, and memories are made with each bedtime story we read. We make memories every single day. Some ...

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