Yellow Sundays: September

Each month on the first Sunday you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter. This month our contributions go to the Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church Food Pantry. Consider bringing Macaroni and Cheese or canned proteins.

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What happened to the Chapel Class?

In February 2012 we changed our Sunday morning schedule at Grace. As a congregation we transitioned from three worship services to two. When we did this we created the 10-11 am hour between services. Before this, services and classes had overlapped. In an effort to provide education for all interested adults during the new hour, the Chapel Class was born. It was called the Chapel Class because it met in the chapel.

Church staff organized the class and made sure that ...

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From the Pastor’s Desk: August 20

Dear Grace Community,

On August 17, I shared with the Session that I am expecting a child. John and I are excited about this and glad to share this news with you. You were part of our wedding three years ago, and we look forward to you being part of our child’s life.

While pregnancy is a fairly personal matter, I have a pretty public life in this congregation. So, you might think of this letter as, “What to Expect When Your ...

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Growing in Faith, Adult Sunday School: September 13, 20, 27, and October 4

The Birth of Christianity: 100 BC to 337 AD with Steve Hooper

Location: TBA

  • This study focuses on the life and times of the early Christian Church. It identifies and explores the development of the early Church by asking: “How did the early Christian Church evolve? Who did what, and what were their motivations?” These questions are addressed by examining the interactions and relationships between the Jews, Rome and the early Christians. The answers provide insight into the formation of the modern ...
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September Youth Schedules

If you would like to get on the Student Ministry email list for either IGNITE or INSPIRE/WYLDlife, please email your request to Kirk Anderson.

IGNITE (All High School aged youth)

  • Sunday School (10 am – 10:50 am) September 13, 20 and 27. Feasting on the Word. Youth get a chance to learn from scripture and use it to explore their personal identity with Jesus Christ. Parents: you are studying the same curriculum, so you can discuss it with your youth!
  • Wednesday Fellowship (5:30 ...
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