Crown Heights July 4 Parade

Each year Crown Heights (the neighborhood the church is in) has a 4th of July Parade, and we participate in the festivities.  The parade begins at 10 am on July 4th, and you should get there a little before to look for others from Grace.

The crowd gathers in the 200 block of N Old Manor Road.

Wear a Grace shirt if you have one. Look for Carolyn Shaw who will be either in a Grace shirt or her traditional American Flag ...

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Family Peach Picking: Monday, July 13

Families mark your calendars for Monda,y July 13. We are carpooling from Grace to the Entz Peach Orchard in Whitewater. We’ll meet at the church at 9 am. The orchard is about 25 minutes away, and the kids can pick as many peaches as you have room to haul. If you do not have young children and would still like to go to the orchard with us all are welcome.

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Sunday Morning Schedule – July

 9 am          Worship in the Great Room

10 am         Education and Fellowship (see below)

11 am         Worship in the Sanctuary

Worship at 9 am is in the Great Room and is led musically by our band. The style is less formal than the 11 am service. The 11 am service is in the Sanctuary and is led musically by our choirs. The style is more traditional.

There is ONE service on Sunday, July 5 at 10 am in the Sanctuary.

Here’s where ...

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Sunday Morning Preaching Schedule: July

July 5   

Joyce Daniel, retired pastor and friend of GPC, preaches this day. There is one service at 10 am in the sanctuary

July 12 

Geoff Snook preaches this day. Geoff is an ordained PCUSA minister and is married to Jennifer, our director of children’s ministries. (Jennifer is also a PCUSA pastor.) We look forward to welcoming Geoff to the pulpit.

July 19   

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches this day, the first of a two week series. The topic is “Holy, not Holier Than Thou.” The ...

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