If you happen to have one of the Grace Orange Volunteer Shirts, would you please bring it back and drop it off at the Volunteer office?
If you happen to have one of the Grace Orange Volunteer Shirts, would you please bring it back and drop it off at the Volunteer office?
During the month of June, we are collecting peanut butter and jelly, donating half to the Covenant Presbyterian Church food pantry and half to the Salvation Army (Orchard location) food pantry. If possible, please make sure the jars are plastic. You are welcome to make a cash donation and note on the check that it is for the June Yellow Bag program. At the end of the month, we will buy peanut butter and jelly for distribution.
Continue Reading →Being face-to-face with Jesus. Ponder that for a moment. When I think about being face-to-face with Jesus, I begin to yearn for a more personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. The human face with its vices of anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language comes face-to-face with the face of Jesus with its virtues of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Our vulnerabilities and powerlessness are exposed. The outcomes of such a face-to-face encounter with Jesus causes a correction ...
Continue Reading →Children in grades one through six are invited to join Grace and five other neighborhood churches at Plymouth Congregational Church, June 17-21, for this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS). The theme is “Just Like Me; Digging in and Growing Deeper.” This is an evening VBS with dinner at 5:30 pm and programs from 6:00—8:00 pm. There is no cost for children to attend. You can register your children or volunteer by following this link: https://www.plymouth-church.net/vacation-bible-school/. For questions, reach out ...
Continue Reading →A Word From Our Interim Pastor
The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh
On Sunday, January 21, 2024, I preached my first sermon as your Interim Pastor. That sermon began a series titled, Questions You and The Public Square May Have About Experiencing God. In that sermon, I stated that God was calling us to be the best Jesus someone would see in Wichita. How? By listening well to one another and others, regarding how one is or isn’t experiencing God. I encouraged ...
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